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Ocean Bridge

Ocean Bridge connects Canadian youth and young professionals from coast to coast to coast, empowering them to take action for ocean conservation.

What is Ocean Bridge?

The Ocean Bridge program is a 20-week (Fall and Spring) part-time program designed for Canadians and permanent residents aged 19 – 30 from coast to coast to coast. Each year, the program connects youth and young professionals from rural land locked towns, northern communities, urban coastal cities and anywhere in between to form a national cohort of ocean ambassadors.

This project-based experiential program aims to empower young people to become Ocean Wise citizens and adopt a culture of service. Through 1:1 coaching, immersive learning journeys, online workshops and discussions, ambassadors become equipped with relevant skills and are provided with funding opportunities to design and deliver ocean and freshwater action projects that are implemented on a local or national scale.

Book-ended by two immersive regional Learning Journeys, ambassadors have the opportunity to learn and explore in one of the following awe-inspiring regions of Canada: The Pacific Coast, the Great Lakes, the St. Lawrence River, and the Atlantic Coast.

This transformative experience provides ambassadors with the tools to position themselves as change makers in their communities and beyond. Whether this is your first experience with conservation work, or you are looking to reconnect with the environment or your community, this program has something to offer to everyone.

I am still catching myself reflecting on how privileged and lucky I am to have had the chance to participate in this experience. We had so many opportunities to learn from each other in a variety of ways, but also to learn from some fantastic teachers throughout our journey

Will Crolla

2021 Ocean Bridge alum – British Columbia

Ready to take the plunge?

Apply now for the 2024-25 Ocean Bridge program using the link below.

To be surrounded by so many passionate, caring, kind, considerate youth from across this great, beautiful nation, to have them share their experiences, to share their passion, their fire their drive, to feed off of one another and support one another through this endeavour has been amazing.

Leah McConney

2019 Ocean Bridge alum – Nova Scotia 


Ocean Bridge is funded in part by Canada Service Corps, a national movement that empowers youth aged 15–30 to gain experience and build important skills while giving back to their community. Learn more at

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