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B.C. Salmon

Salmon holds a special place in the hearts and minds of the Pacific Northwest today, just as it has for generations.

5 Species

There are 5 species of Pacific Salmon, commonly referred to as Chinook, Sockeye, Pink, Coho and Chum.

Over 150 Fisheries

With over 150 unique commercial fisheries targeting the five species of B.C. salmon, a comprehensive understanding of the associated challenges and conservation efforts is necessary.

$123 Million

Wild B.C. salmon is a key contributor to the economy of British Columbia and Canada, generating $123 million in direct and indirect revenue as of 2021 (Ministry of Agriculture and Food, 2022).

The Sustainability of B.C. Salmon

Nearly 90% of Canadians enjoy seafood regularly, with salmon being a top choice. However, the decline of salmon fisheries in Canada has become a critical issue. The decimation of the East Coast’s Atlantic Salmon fisheries serves as a stark reminder of the dire consequences of overfishing. On the Pacific Coast, the lack of clear guidelines on sustainable B.C. salmon has posed significant challenges.

To address these gaps, Ocean Wise has created a novel approach for generating sustainability ratings for B.C. Salmon. This nimble approach, comprising Ocean Wise’s Rapid Assessment Standard combined with expert advice from its Salmon Advisory Panel, assesses the sustainability of B.C. Salmon yearly, better matching the fluctuation of Pacific Salmon populations.



“Ocean Wise is in a unique position to leverage its Rapid Assessment Standard and Salmon Advisory Panel to ensure responsible fisheries receive the recognition they deserve. These new recommendations simplify the choice when purchasing salmon, empowering businesses and consumers to support local, ocean-friendly fishers. In an especially complex case like B.C. salmon, this is even more important”

Samantha Renshaw

Science Lead, Ocean Wise

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