We need the ocean, the ocean needs us.
Ocean Wise builds communities that take meaningful action to protect and restore our ocean. Together – with business leaders, researchers, community members, governments and ocean lovers around the world – we are monitoring and protecting whales, fighting climate change and restoring biodiversity, protecting and restoring fish stocks, innovating for a plastic free ocean, educating and empowering youth.
Our vision: a world in which the ocean is healthy and thriving.
Our mission: to build a global community that takes meaningful action to protect and restore our ocean.
We will need millions of people, those on the coast as well as those landlocked individuals, to join us for our ocean. Our ability to thrive on this planet depends on it.
Our Initiatives

Our work in seaforestation/kelp forestry includes being a leading authority on the innovative ocean-based climate solution seaforestation/kelp planting.
Whales are the environmental guardians of our ocean. Their health and well-being are useful indicators of the health of the entire ocean ecosystem. Our work includes long-term monitoring on the health and well being of whales, monitoring and analysis of chemical pollution in coastal sediments, facilitating a robust database of whale sightings and an alert system that provides information that allows large ships to take action to avoid ship strikes.
Ocean Pollution and Plastic
Our plastics and pollution work consists of three integrated programs: Shoreline Cleanup, the Pollution and Plastics Lab and the Plastic Reduction Program. These programs allow us to introduce people to the problem of ocean pollution, develop innovative solutions that address plastic use and provide accessible actions that allow people and businesses to reduce their unnecessary plastic.
Pollution & Plastics
Fisheries & Seafood
Our Fisheries & Seafood work aims to transform the fishing industry by collaborating with marine researchers and fishers of all sizes build a consumer-friendly recommendation program that encourages mass adoption of sustainable practices.
Sustainable Seafood
Our work in education includes online, mobile and education partnerships. Our immersive Sea Dome is a highlight of these programs…bringing an immersive ocean experience to communities thousands of kilometers from the coast.
Our youth programs provide hands-on service opportunities centered around ocean conservation, fostering a network of ocean lovers and leaders across Canada. We have full-time and part-time service programs as well as a microgrant program that helps youth grow and expand service ideas and projects.
Youth Programs