A Shoreline Cleanup for Every Team
For its 25-year anniversary, the Great Canadian Shoreline is celebrating with a special monthly Cleanup Challenge. This spring, summer and fall, we’ll challenge different teams to lead the way for shorelines. From schools and students, communities and co-workers, we’re looking forward to the amazing work done by diverse cleanup teams across Canada.
Sound like fun? Join in! Participate in a shoreline cleanup with others in your network across Canada and get recognition for your efforts. Each week, we’ll be sharing stories and photos from the shorelines on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Be sure to share your photos with us by tagging #ShorelineCleanup.

What month will you join Team #ShorelineCleanup?
May: Youth and Schools Team Challenge
Did you know that schoolyards are shorelines, too? Garbage in schoolyards can make its way into storm drains and into waterways, and cause as much damage as trash on a beach.
We’re kicking things off by challenging schools and youth teams across the country to clean their local shorelines. Each year, Scouts, Girl Guides, Earth Rangers, school youth and many more educational groups across the country become all-stars for their local waterways. In fact, school groups made up three of the top five biggest cleanups last year.
For additional resources on bringing Shoreline Cleanups into the classroom, check out Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup’s free lesson plans, videos and posters on our Shoreline Cleanup Community page.

July: Communities Team Challenge
Music festivals, block parties, family picnics, camping, hiking and canoe trips: got a place you love? Leave it cleaner than you found it by leading a shoreline cleanup.
This July, we challenge community groups, individuals and people like you to show the love to their favourite place by including a Shoreline Cleanup in their summer plans.
September: Workplace Team Challenge
Shoreline cleanups are a great way for staff to build team skills, have fun and give back to their community. Last year, almost 5,000 workplace champions participated in cleanups across Canada. This year we’re challenging workplaces to gear up for another successful season and host a cleanup right outside their workplace.
“I’ve posted a write up [about our cleanup] internally – and it’s gone all over North America in our organization, and got a lot of attention… there is interest in doing this coast to coast!” – Christie from Chubb Insurance Company of Canada
We also encourage you to join WWF’s Living Planet @ Work for even more green business ideas and free tools to empower and engage employees.

October: Campus Team Challenge
Take a study break and get to know your classmates while giving some love to your local shoreline or campus trails. Maybe your school will be the campus champ and host the largest cleanup in Canada?
So, what are you waiting for? The ball is in your court. Gather your team, pick a site, and register to lead a cleanup at http://www.shorelinecleanup.ca/#cleanup. Save these free templates to share your efforts on social media, and we’ll do the same. You can make a real difference to the health of your local waters by participating in the #ShorelineCleanup Team Challenge. You might even make the Cleanup Hall of Fame.
The Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup, presented by Loblaw Companies Limited, is one of the largest direct action conservation programs in Canada. A conservation partnership by Ocean Wise and WWF-Canada, the Shoreline Cleanup aims to promote understanding of shoreline litter issues by engaging Canadians to rehabilitate shoreline areas through cleanups. Find out more at www.shorelinecleanup.ca.
Posted May 1, 2018 by Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup