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Whale Health and Monitoring Program

Since the mid-1980s, Ocean Wise has conducted conservation-oriented research on killer whales, belugas, and other marine mammals. Today, the Whale Health and Monitoring Program focuses on both applying cutting-edge science to monitor at-risk whale populations and developing novel conservation tools to protect whales from starvation. This pillar conducts applied research throughout the BC coast and includes a thriving, state-of-the-art Environmental DNA Laboratory in West Vancouver. Whales Initiative researchers use conservation-orientated tools including drones, bioacoustics, artificial intelligence, and environmental DNA to collect and analyze data on the health of at-risk whale populations and inspire conservation action where the whales need it most. 


Wild whales face many threats. Of the 23 species of whales, dolphins, porpoises, and sea turtles found in the waters of British Columbia, 12 are listed under Canada’s Species at Risk Act as Endangered, Threatened, or of Special Concern. These animals face many anthropogenic (human-caused) threats that negatively impact critical life processes necessary to maintain healthy populations. Explore the primary threats impacting cetaceans and sea turtles in British Columbia below.

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