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Pollution & Plastics

Our ocean is home to countless marine species under threat from plastic pollution, underwater noise and chemicals. But it’s not just the whales and salmon that pay the price — humans are at risk, too.


Tons of plastic ends up in our ocean annually


Cleanup volunteers in Canada since 1994


Cleanups along 44,262 kilometres of shoreline


Amount of single-use plastic actually recycled in Canada


Kilograms of garbage diverted from Canada's waterways


Years Ocean Wise has dedicated to its ocean pollution program

Plastic Reduction

Every business, person, and municipality can meaningfully reduce their single-use plastics, directly addressing pervasive ocean plastics. Small changes add up to a big difference.

Pollution Tracker

A monitoring program for coastal British Columbia, Canada, Pollution Tracker documents the levels and trends of hundreds of contaminants of concern in mussels and nearshore ocean sediments.

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