Ocean Wise Alum – 2019 Youth to Sea Cohort
Cary is an Ocean Bridge Alum from the YouthToSea 2019 cohort and the Eco-Action Accelerator 2023 cohort. She is also a member of the Alumni Champions Committee, serving from 2022-2024.
During her time with YouthToSea, she had the opportunity to partake in many learning excursions and workshops about water chemistry, Indigenous land stewardship and craftsmanship, marine biology, and pollution. For her legacy project, Cary conceptualized and designed an active, educational game to raise awareness about the interconnections between climate change and human health. Additionally, she created a plastics pollution video with fellow Y2S members Yonatan R. and Natasha S. for a video contest. As winners of the video contest, they participated in a virtual YouthAThon webinar as panelists for World Oceans Day, discussing the dangers of plastic pollution in our oceans, and potential solutions to mitigate the problem.
A few years later, Cary was an Eco-Action Accelerator participant. In EAA, she began to develop and flesh out the details for her climate change and health activity book, where she started drafting the book content & layout, explored different hand-sewn binding methods to bind the books herself, and plans to distribute them to public libraries and schools. EAA provided Cary with valuable resources, workshops, and guidance on how to make her project idea breathe life.
Additionally, Cary is a member of the Alumni Champions Committee, representing Y2S and serving from 2022-2024. In the committee, she attends bimonthly meetings with other alum to provide support and advice for Ocean Wise Youth Programs about how to best engage youth in events and excursions.