Whale Reporter Recognition Program
Send a sighting, save a whale!
Report your sightings and be acknowledged as an outstanding citizen scientist through our Whale Reporter Recognition Program!
Celebrating outstanding cetacean reporters
The Whale Reporter Recognition Program acknowledges the outstanding citizen scientists who report their sightings of cetaceans to the Ocean Wise Sightings Network (or OWSN), formerly known as the BCCSN. These sightings support numerous research and conservation initiatives in BC and Washington State.
Your Sightings Protect Whales
By sharing cetacean sightings, OWSN reporters help protect whales by supporting a variety of research, management, and conservation initiatives. Using these citizen-provided reports, the OWSN can better understand how at-risk cetacean species use our coastal waters and evaluate the health of these populations. It also allows us to contribute to effective conservation solutions including helping to inform the establishment of marine protected areas, identifying areas of high risk for cetaceans, and guiding targeted outreach and mitigation efforts. Finally, sighting reports help to create safer waters for cetaceans and sea turtles. Reports submitted into the OWSN’s WhaleReport app are used to inform the WhaleReport Alert System (WRAS). The WRAS alerts Captains and Pilots of large commercial vessels about whales in their vicinity to reduce the risk of vessel strike and disturbance.
Congratulations to the OWSN’s Top Whale Reporters
The OWSN sincerely appreciates the effort and dedication demonstrated by every one of our cetacean reporters in support of cetacean conservation. Starting in 2019, we annually recognize reporters that stand out as exceptionally dedicated and consistent. The OWSN would like to recognize the following dedicated reporters for their high number of submitted sightings in the previous year.
Our Top Reporters receive social media and media exposure, a Top Reporter certificate, and exposure here on the Ocean Wise website.
(Listed by alphabetical order)
Government and Industry
- BC Ferries
- Canadian Coast Guard
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Transport Canada
- Washington State Ferries
Conservation Groups
- Mitlenatch Island Stewardship Team
- Orca Network
- Soundwatch – The Whale Museum
- Southern Gulf Island Whale Sightings Network
- Straitwatch – Cetus Research & Conservation Society
Ecotourism Companies
- Bluewater Adventures
- Eagle Wing Whale & Wildlife Tours
- Five Star Whale Watching
- Prince of Whales
- Vancouver Island Whale Watch
ENGO & Research
- Cetus Research and Conservation Society
- Laskeek Bay Conservation Society
- Orca Network
- Saturna Island Marine Research and Education Society – Gulf Island Sighting Network
- The Whale Museum – Soundwatch
- Bluewater Adventures
- Five Star Whale Watching
- Orca Spirit Adventures
- Prince of Whales
- Vancouver Island Whale Watch
Government & Marine Industry
- BC Coast Pilots
- BC Ferries
- Canadian Coast Guard
- Canadian Department of National Defense
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Kitsap Transit
- Parks Canada
- Puget Sound Pilots
- Transport Canada – National Aerial Surveillance Program Pacific
- Washington State Ferries
ENGO & Research
- Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre
- Cedar Coast Field Station
- Cetus Research and Conservation Society
- Hakai Institute of Science
- Orca Network
- Saturna Island Marine Research and Education Society
- Five Star Whale Watching
- Ocean Light II Adventures
- Orca Spirit Adventures
- Prince of Whales
Government & Marine Industry
- BC Coast Pilots
- BC Ferries
- Canadian Coast Guard
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Transport Canada – National Aerial Surveillance Program Pacific
ENGO & Research
- Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre
- Cetus Research and Conservation Society
- Raincoast Conservation Foundation
- Salmon Coast Field Station
- The Whale Interpretive Centre
- Bluewater Adventures
- Eagle Wing Tours
- Five Star Whale Watching
- Jamie’s Whaling Station
- Khutzeymateen Wilderness Lodge
- Ocean Light II Adventures
- Prince of Whales
- Vancouver Island Whale Watch
- Vancouver Whale Watch
Government & Marine Industry
- BC Coast Pilots
- BC Ferries
- Black Ball Transport
- Canadian Coast Guard
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Pacific Provider Salmon
- Transport Canada – National Aerial Surveillance Program Pacific