Running Water Activity Book

Project Details
Project dates

Project Lead
I created a 40 page activity book focused on water conservation, Indigenous Water Warriors and learning about threats to water including pollution, mismanagement, and climate change.
Project Description
My project was to develop an activity book for people of all ages centered around water conservations. The book itself is marketed for all audiences, with engaging material that is suitable for young children as well as adults. The book, Running Water, ended up being a 40-page activity book, filled with colouring pages, crosswords, and word searches. Throughout the book there are paragraphs talking about water, discussion about threats to water security, including pollution, and climate change throughout the book, to be able to educate the reader. Furthermore, there is discussion on pressing water topics in Canada such as access to clean potable water for Indigenous communities. My goal with Running Water was to spark conversation about these critical topics. I wanted to educate other about water related issues, such as plastic pollution, chemical pollution, and climate change, to that they can take tangible action to assist in water conservation and water justice.
Physical and digital copies of this activity book have been distributed to education professional, teachers and even sent around at various workplaces, including a sector of Parks Canada. By having this resource open for folks to use each of them has been able to learn about water conservation and water issues in Canada.
What was your biggest challenge?
My biggest challenge was coordination. I had drawn everything by hand on an iPad then translated those digital images to pages, to png’s to the pages in InDesign and overall, it was a lengthy and time-consuming process.
What was your most valuable takeaway?
The most valuable takeaway I got from this project was learning to develop a cohesive storyline. I have developed projects in the past, but they were smaller in scale compared to this book. Playing around with the order of the pages and the flow of the book took a lot more time than I anticipated and was a very useful skill to develop from the project. In addition to this being able to develop grant writing skills has been a huge help in my project planning and own environmental activism.