Long Island Biodiversity Restoration Project

Project Details
This project is aimed at solving the lack of biodiversity and the increase of algal blooms at Long Island, part of the Rideau Canal. In order to combat these issues, I planted native shoreline plants along the Island, reducing the risk of algal blooms (through absorbing run-off) and promoting biodiversity for aquatic and terrestrial life nearby.
Project Description
This project is aimed at resolving the algal blooms, including blue-green algae, that currently plague the Rideau River within Long Island, Ottawa (a popular tourist and economically benefiting area). These algal blooms posing a threat to humans blue green algae are toxic to waterfowl, and aquatic species alike. When considering the algal blooms, this issue was caused by the lack of effort put into sustaining many nature preserves by the local government, agriculture within the area, and the lack of vegetation due to the increase of human development surrounding the water body. In order to combat this issue, I plan on planting native vegetation (both aquatic and on the shoreline) within the area, allowing native perennials to absorb excess nutrients (including that of nitrates and phosphates) and runoff which would be causing the blooms. As well, the native plants I plan on planting in the area will also help to oxygenate the water, allowing many species’ populations to re-stabilize. Moreover, I hope to not only plant, but also create a report to spread awareness and educate residents on their impacts towards the local waterbody. With this, it is possible to prevent algal blooms from occurring next year and allow the public to be more aware of the effects of algal growth.
This project has been created in commemoration of the lives of all the victims of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302, including two Ocean Bridge ambassadors, Danielle Moore and Micah Messent. We aspire to carry on their legacy and commitment to making the world a better place by creating long-lasting impacts with a firm commitment to driving positive change for the environment and our ocean. We will never forget the light that Danielle and Micah brought to the world and will continue to keep them in our hearts. To learn more about these two amazing people, please visit: Honouring Danielle and Micah – Ocean Wise. This work is partially funded by the Commemoration Fund for Victims of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 Tragedy.
What was your biggest challenge?
Joshua’s biggest challenge within this project was with funding, as it was changed from $500 to $125 (after I had planned a proper budget with the plants I wanted to purchase). Nonetheless, he managed to persist through applying to multiple grants, most of which were rejected and also proved my journey towards finding funding to be more difficult. Luckily, one of his grants did not get rejected, and I used it towards my project (accounting for $500). As well, his
Youth To Sea counselor also raised my funding from $125 to $300, giving me a total of $800. With the increased budget, he was able to purchase more plants and buy seeds for the planting. Overall, the main reasons he was able to overcome these issues was through my persistence, and his counselor as he provided me with the resources necessary to apply to the grants and raised his budget.
What was your most valuable takeaway?
Joshua feels that the most valuable takeaway from this project is the impact in which it had towards the water body. He knows that he was able to better the overall state of the ecosystem within the area, better the community’s overall economy (in terms of fishing and recreation), and aid the area’s biodiversity. His impact, although small, can educate others to do the same, and if not more by awareness campaigns (post-planting). He believes in paying it forward to the environment, for what it has done for him; and through what he has done, he feel as though he has worked towards that.