Bodies of Water Art Journal

Project Details
Project dates

Project Lead
Artists reflected on their own relationship to water through their art and viewers will be able to engage with these stories while also thinking about their own agency around the health of our waterways. We are also asking viewers to compensate us artists by donating to organizations that advocate for clean drinking water in Indigenous communities. Accessibility in both art and financial aid for others is at the heart of this project.
Project Description
We cannot actively care for places without first nurturing our love for them. As such, we believe that storytelling is essential to learning about, loving and caring for our beloved places. Storytelling is also essential in decolonizing the conservation movement and revealing to us that holding a relationship with and caring for natural places is for everyone.
We are seeking stories that feature marginalized folks’ relationships to waterways via art to be collected into a community anthology. Please share with us your poetry, prose, short stories, short essays, photography, paintings, digital art, sketch, collages and any other art forms that can be featured in an anthology to be released in Spring 2022.
You may submit up to 3 artworks.
**Written artists — please be mindful of the length of your texts.
**Visual artist — please make sure to submit a short caption describing your work.
**All languages welcome, but keep in mind that the zine will be primarily reaching an English-speaking audience.
You can view a virtual version of Bodies of Water
What was your biggest challenge?
Compiling everything together into some coherent art journal.
What was your most valuable takeaway?
Learning about the different intersections of accessibility.