Ocean Wise Education Kits
Curriculum based education kits that are easy to use at school or at home!

Ocean Wise Education Kits for Educators and Students
At Ocean Wise, we support educators to bring ocean literacy into their classrooms and empower students to take action while deepening their connection to the ocean. Our education kits do exactly this. Informed by the latest science and research from our own conservation initiatives, Seaforestation, Ocean Pollution, Whales and Seafood and Fisheries, Indigenous Knowledge, and active and constructivist pedagogies, each kit addresses the interdisciplinary issues of climate change.
Each education kit is available for elementary school (grades 3 to 6), middle school (grades 7 to 8), and high school (grades 9 to 12), and translated in both French and English. The educator’s guidebook provides detailed guidance on how to conduct classroom activities and how the activities are linked to the concepts of their specific course curriculum. Students are provided with a workbook to complete age specific fun, interactive activities such as online games, collages, discussions, and more. In 2022 our kits reached 81,000 students from 79 countries
Each kit has a theme spread out over seven lessons and includes a teacher tool kit and student workbook. Please select grade level grouping below to explore available resources.

Kit Educativo Sobre Los Plásticos Oceánicos

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