Waterway Adventure with PEI Native Council
Project Details
Project dates
– 21/11/2021
Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

The Waterway Adventure aimed to connect youth in Charlottetown, PEI with nearby the Ocean and nearby waterways.
Project Description
The Waterway Adventure had the objective to connect youth in my local area with nearby waterways and oceans. With this idea in mind, we used photography to capture the most memorable moments from participants point of view. We shot on film cameras, forcing youth to slow down and enjoy the nature around them, and selectively photograph whatever they wanted as there was only a certain number of shots per roll of film. This initiative got youth to explore areas that they had never been to before, and realize the importance that oceans and wetlands have on our environment.
This project was a great success, as the youth had a terrific time reconnecting with the ocean and nature. We all learned how to slow down and look more carefully at our surroundings to try and capture a memory. We were also able to realize that wetlands and oceans play a critical part of the ecosystem here in PEI, leading to education both scientifically and creatively.
What was your biggest challenge?
The biggest challenge was logistically making sure all the details were in agreement between everyone’s schedules. This was navigated by high levels of good communication, and making sure that we were all constantly on the same page.
What was your most valuable takeaway?
The most valuable take away from this was the mutual development that both the youth and myself were able to have. I could really notice the inspiring looks from the faces of the youth after the day, which inspires me to continue learning about the oceans near where I live, and the youth may now be interested in learning how they can become more involved in conservation themselves.
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