Innovation Testing
Test Your Solution
Are you a scientist, engineer, marketer, biologist, maker, artist or innovator with a radical solution to microfiber pollution? Ocean Wise can help test radical solutions in our Plastics Lab verifying and giving credibility to its effectiveness.
The Ocean Wise Plastics Lab is an Environmental Microplastics Facility that delivers cutting-edge technical insight into the source, transport, fate and effects related to microplastics in Canada’s aquatic environments.
With 12 dedicated research staff the lab utilizes state-of-the-art analytical techniques and instrumentation including a high-resolution Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometer capable of identifying the composition of microplastic particles as small as 5 microns in size.
The lab specializes in the study of microplastics occurrence in laundry machine outflow, seawater, municipal wastewater and the stomachs and organs of aquatic animals.
The Ocean Wise Plastics Lab tests microfiber shed rates of textile fabrics in realistic conditions. Our lab is respected by governments and businesses and provides critical credibility for developing innovations.
Stephanie Wang
Ocean Wise Plastics Lab Manager
Me, My Clothes and the Ocean
Microfibers are increasingly common in the world’s oceans. However, the material identities, sources, environmental fate and impacts on aquatic life of these particles are not well understood. Microfibers in the ocean may include synthetic and natural fibers originating from multiple sources, but research is increasingly pointing to shedding of textiles in home laundry as one important source. This report presents a summary of findings from the first phase of research carried out by a novel partnership with industry and government agencies led by the Ocean Wise Plastics Lab.
Conservation X Lab - Deep Dive Webinar
This webinar was developed by Ocean Wise for the 26 Microfiber Innovation Challenge teams who advanced to the Semi-Finalist of the Conservation X Labs challenge. Webinar speakers include:
- Laura Hardman, Director Plastic Free Oceans, Ocean Wise
- Dr. Shreyas Patankar, Research Scientist, Ocean Wise Plastic Lab
- Negar Zaghi, Research Assistant, Ocean Wise Plastic Lab