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You’ve probably seen the Ocean Wise Recommended symbol on seafood products at the grocery store or on restaurant menus, but did you know our sustainable seafood label is also used by ocean-friendly pet food brands like Chippin

This USA based, woman-owned pet food company is transforming Silver Carp – an invasive species currently overrunning Midwest waterways — into tasty and nutritious treats for dogs. 

The Inspiration Behind Chippin 

USA pets are the fifth largest consumers of meat in the world. Traditional pet food proteins, like chicken and beef, are also some of the top allergens for dogs. 

When developing their pet food products, Chippin sought out alternative protein sources that would lower the environmental impact of their food, while being easier to digest for dogs to improve their overall health. This led them to novel proteins like cricket and Silver Carp. 

The Unique Connection Between Invasive Species and Sustainable Seafood 

Silver Carp is an invasive species.  

Introduced in the 1970s to help control algae growths in ponds, the not-native Silver Carp eventually escaped into the Mississippi River and began wreacking havoc on Midwestern Waterways.  

As an invasive species, Silver Carp pose a significant threat to native species because they feed on the plankton essential for the survival of native Midwestern fish offspring. They’ve destroyed biodiversity, made recreation nearly impossible, and now threaten the Great Lakes — the largest freshwater ecosystem in the world.  Export of this environment disruptor into the USA is currently banned, but it leads to the question — what do we do with the fish that’s already in the water? 

Increasing the consumption of overpopulated and invasive seafood species can actually help restore the ecological balance of waterways and alleviate pressure on other overfished species, making them a great seafood option both for us and our furry friends. 

Looking Ahead 

As part of their sustainable seafood journey, Chippin’s goal is to replace one billion pounds of overfished ocean species with invasive Silver Carp harvested by local fisheries over the next five years in their pet food products.  

We are always inspired by the creative ways our Ocean Wise Seafood Partners work to protect the health of our oceans and waterways. By turning an environmental problem into a needed product, Chippin is able to provide high-quality pet food while contributing to the restoration of our natural ecosystems!  

Posted October 9, 2024 by Kim Bricker

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