- Are you a citizen scientist who likes to keep track of the whales, dolphins, porpoises and sea turtles that you see along our coast?
- Are you a marine professional whose company reports to the Ocean Wise Sightings Network while also keeping a log of sighting reports for your own records?
- Do you belong to an organization that would like to use WhaleReport to collect data for your own use while also contributing to the greater Sightings Network?
- The Ocean Wise Sightings Portal allows you to view your own (or your organization’s) sighting reports on a map, quickly review what has been observed, and download your sightings in a csv file for your own use!

Do you regularly report sightings via our WhaleReport app? Now you can download and excel spreadsheet of your reports and view all of your sightings on a map! Email [email protected] to request an account.
If you are an organization or business requesting a Team Sightings Portal to aggregate data from multiple observers, please complete the Team Sightings Portal Application and have each member fill in the Team Member Consent form. Return completed forms to [email protected].