Whales of the St. Lawrence: A bilingual ecology colouring book

Project Details
Project Lead
This bilingual ecology colouring book introduces grade 3-6 students and their families to the thirteen whale species that visit the St. Lawrence River, and show how people can help their populations thrive.
Project Description
This bilingual ecology colouring book will introduce grade 3-6 students and their families to the thirteen whale species that visit the St. Lawrence River, and show how people can help their populations thrive. Each species spotlight features a hand-drawn colouring page by an Ottawa-area artist as well as ecological information about the species such as their diet and habitat needs. The book also includes space for students to write their observations and questions about whales, and provides them with action steps they can take in their community to benefit local whale populations. The creation of this book is supported by two environmental charities: Ocean Wise, and Watersheds Canada. |
What was your biggest challenge?
Working with outside vendors made it difficult to meet all deadlines, especially with the holiday break and the closing of many offices. |
What was your most valuable takeaway?
My most valuable takeaways are to leave more time than you expect to meet your original project deadline, and to also take advantage of the immense resources and support through the Ocean Wise and Ocean Bridge network! |
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