Water Street Mural Project

Project Details
My project involves painting an ocean-themed mural on the Wild Things storefront in downtown St. John’s. Wild Things is a gift shop and tourism company that focuses on environmental education, sustainability and ecosystem conservation, and was founded in 1991.
Project Description
My main objective is to paint a large mural on the storefront depicting an ocean scene that will feature several local endangered/threatened marine species that are present in the waters around Newfoundland and Labrador, such as the North Atlantic Right whale, loggerhead sea turtle and Atlantic salmon. Our objective is to educate the public on the importance of the marine ecosystem and of protecting species that are at risk, especially in our local waters. We would like the mural to bring some colour and character to downtown St. John’s, and spark people’s interest in ocean conservation and the importance of biodiversity.
What was your biggest challenge?
The biggest challenge associated with the project was planning and executing such a large project in such a short amount of time. We are also waiting on city heritage committee approvals, which is a much longer process than originally anticipated.
What was your most valuable takeaway?
That local art is very much appreciated by the communittee!