Tree Planting Project
Planting Trees to Reduce Agriculture Runoff

Project Details
Project dates

Project Lead
I worked with a non-profit organic farm to plant trees in their space. The trees would help reduce agriculture runoff so it does not enter our waterways. This project allowed me to learn about the important connection between farming and our waterways, what organic farming means for our environment, and support a local farm in my community.
Project Description
Thanks to YouthToSea, I had such an amazing time, collaborating with Stable Harvest Farms to plant some trees! The gloomy day had no effect on our spirits, as we braved the pouring rain.
It was an experience that I never thought I would be in. I was taken on a tour by one of the farmers at Stable Harvest Farms, and saw the incredible things they do; from growing a variety of fresh food to harvesting their own honey and donating much of it to non-profit organizations. I was given the opportunity to learn more about what it takes to grow and plant a healthy tree. Using either my bare hands or a shovel, I, along with others, dug a hole for the trees to be planted. It was honestly an amazing experience.
This project was the one of the first things to come to mind when YouthToSea introduced the idea of Service Projects. I knew I wanted a project that I can literally see grow throughout the years, and hopefully help others in the process. The trees also help prevent agricultural runoff which is important for our waterways. With the amount of trees being chopped down each year, even the little things can help in a big way. Therefore, I hope that by simply planting two trees right now, will result in a ripple effect of many more to come. Personally, I wanted to learn how to plant a tree, so thankfully I can cross that thing off my bucket list.
Lastly, after trying their wonderful food, I can surely say I will be coming back to work with them again to continue this project or to even start a new one.
What was your biggest challenge?
One of the biggest challenges was trying to find a tree that would fit well with the farm and with the research I have done on agriculture run-off. We wanted to ensure that what we planted would last and do well in its new space. After we chose a tree we needed to ensure that we could purchase the tree in the area and have it safely brought to the farm.
The day that we planted the tree we were also in the middle of a rain storm. It seemed like mother nature was against us, it was hard to see clearly, our holes kept filling up with water, and the team was soaking wet afterwards. It took a bit of extra work but we finally were able to have the tree planted securely!
What was your most valuable takeaway?
One of the most valuable takeaways for this project was learning about how farming impacts the environment. I learned a lot about organic produce and the impact good, healthy, organic foods has on our environment and our bodies. From this experience, I really wanted to do more to make this connections for other throughout the Vancouver area. With the help of the farm, I plan on working with them to deliver fresh organic produce to food banks in the Vancouver area. My goal is to make healthy, organic eating more accessible to all.