The NAIT Biological Science Club

Project Details
The project was to educate students at NAIT Biological Science Club on the dangers of plastic in our freshwater environment and provide an opportunity to learn about water quality testing. The project had 2 components/events. One was a shoreline clean up and the other a demonstration and presentation on water quality testing.
Project Description
The goal of these events was to advertise how the freshwater systems are an important component of keeping our oceans clean. Many freshwater streams flow into the ocean and by educating on local water bodies through the shoreline clean up and water quality testing this brought attention to ocean/freshwater literacy. The shoreline clean up especially brought awareness to the pollution in Edmonton.
What was your biggest challenge?
The biggest challenge was finding the right time for the collaboration and the events to take place. It was difficult to get the water quality testing kit and it would have been nice for the events to happen on the same day. It was also difficult geographically as Alberta gets cold and limits time span for outdoor activities.
What was your most valuable takeaway?
It sometimes was a challenge to get more people involved, but when people are out there, during the shoreline clean up especially, it was very rewarding to see the enthusiasm! This project helped me develop my organizational skills and gave me the opportunity to collaborate with external organizations (Ocean Wise, science club, City of Edmonton). It also allowed me to practice my presentation and public speaking skills.