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Project Details

Project dates
28/11/2023  – 06/02/2024
Montreal, QC, Canada

Rachel Mot

Project Lead

Podcast on consumer waterway pollution in the Montreal area, focusing on recycling and product lifecycles, impacts of waterway pollution around the world, and actions being taken to address the problem.

Stay Current Podcast

With the threats of climate change, pollution and overfishing, the protection of our waterways is becoming evermore critical. The Curious Current podcast aims to educate and inspire those who are eager about all topics related to water. The podcast features a variety of experts explaining their work in water and how they’re fighting for a better tomorrow.

This podcast is sponsored by Ocean Bridge, an initiative of Ocean Wise Youth programs. The program connects young adults across Canada, creating a network of leaders with a common goal: keeping our waterways healthy for future generations. As part of their volunteer work, Ocean Bridge ambassadors deliver an action project to their communities, which gave rise to the Curious Current podcast.

What was your biggest challenge?

The time commitment for the project.

What was your most valuable takeaway?

There are always ways to get involved in community projects!

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