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Project Details

Cornwall, ON, Canada

The River Institute is a leader in environmental research and provides new knowledge, education, technical services and community outreach to improve the health of the St. Lawrence River and other freshwater ecosystems.

Placement Details

The River Institute is a nonprofit science and discovery center focused on research, education, and community outreach on the St. Lawrence River. The River Institute’s scientific work contributes locally, nationally, and internationally to our understanding of how large river ecosystems and their component’s function. Their education programs introduce thousands of students to the benefits of science, and provide powerful role models for young people considering careers in science. Their community programs help neighbours connect and build a deeper local appreciation for the vital scientific, social, economic, and spiritual importance of river ecosystems.

The River Institute offers candidates the opportunity to be involved with research and outreach projects. Research projects focus on river biodiversity, water quality, species at risk, and the impacts of contaminants, dams, invasive species, and climate change.

Placement Category: Field Research and Monitoring; Data Analysis, Management, and Reporting

Placement Season: Spring, Summer

Placement Type: Urban

2023 Participant Highlights - Alisha Ng

Upon completion of this placement, Alisha’s most valuable takeaway was that she can have a career in conservation even if that is not her background. Her placement with the River Institute allowed her to gain experience, skills, and connections without going back to school. This placement was so much more than shadowing an expert; the River Institute allowed for a fully hands- on, immersive experience working with mentors that are so passionate about what they do, which she found incredible.

Alisha says that “I applied to Ocean Pathways with the question of whether a career change into environmental sciences was a possibility for me. My background was in an entirely different field, but my curiosity pointed elsewhere. Instead of going back to school, I was able to learn about aquatic ecology and develop new skills during my placement at the River Institute. I met some of the best humans on earth and I left with knowing that I can continue doing environmental work, even if my path is not so linear.”

Check out Alisha’s takeover of the @oceanwiseyouth Instagram stories here!

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