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Project Details

Project dates
16/10/2023  – 29/02/2024
Vancouver, BC, Canada

Evell Lam

Project Lead

Rescue different ocean species in the card game "Save the Wave" by completing actions towards ocean conservation. The ocean and sustainable version of Monopoly Deal

Project Description

Save the Wave card game is geared towards the general public (10+) with the aim of sparking conversations and overall interest and compassion towards our oceans. The game introduces and highlights 28 different species that live in or depend on the ocean. They range from well known species like the polar bear to uncommon ones like the dumbo octopus, across 10 different categories of species. In addition, there are concrete and actionable cards that players can reference should they need inspiration on how to start taking action towards ocean health and literacy. Overall, the goal is to have an engaging, fun and easy way to start learning about our oceans.

What was your biggest challenge?

The biggest challenge was completing everything end to end within the four month time period

What was your most valuable takeaway?

It’s better to have lots of people doing positive things imperfectly than a handful of people doing it all perfectly

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