Raincoast Education Society
Project Details
Raincoast Education Society is a non-profit focused on science-based education, research and monitoring within the Barkley and Clayoquot Sound region.
Placement Details
The Raincoast Education Society’s scientific research and monitoring work may sometimes go “under the radar”, but it’s an important part of our mission. From water sampling to shorebird tracking, every project the RES takes on seeks to collect data that can provide a solid, scientifically based reference to inform local efforts to manage, enhance, protect and preserve the unique natural environment.
Ambassadors primarily works on shorebird research, which involves gathering data on the abundance, behaviour diet and habitat use of migrating shorebirds. This work focuses on learning more about how migrating shorebirds use various types of habitats within the Tofino Wah-nah-jus Hilth-hoo-is Mudflats Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve. The ambassador surveys birds by land and boat during spring migration to assess relative abundance and species diversity. By trapping and tagging birds, they learn about shorebird movement patterns. They also collect samples to learn more about diet and prey through their work with various lo collaborators.
Placement Category: Field Research and Monitoring
Placement Season: Spring
Placement Type: Urban Field
2022 Participant Highlights
Participant Jen Willoughby
Read about Jen’s experience working with the Raincoast Education Society here!