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Orca Experiences Video Series + Survey/ Coextinction Screening Whistler

Project Details

Project dates
01/09/2023  – 02/03/2024
Whistler, BC, Canada

Alexander Streicher

Project Lead

Sustainable Orca Experiences in British Columbia Coextinction Screening Whistler: No species goes extinct in isolation

Project Description

A four chapter video series that I started during the Ocean Bridge program and just got approved at the end of the program. Expanded on this and presented the videos online in chapters with some interaction/social media feedback with the public.

2nd project is a Screening of Coextinction in Whistler. Gloria Pancrazi (co-director) will join us for a q/a at the Whistler Library after the screening. Free community event with screening/q&a and prizes to win.

What was your biggest challenge?

Managing day job and projects timewise, reaching out to partners and organizations for the project. Felt a bit strange at the beginning but I started to get positive feedback from companies even if did not end up supporting the project. If I do something similar again in the future I am definitely more confident in reaching out to organizations.

What was your most valuable takeaway?

The positive feedback I received from organizations/partners and just random messages on social media.

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