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Project Details

Project dates
Ottawa, ON

Ocean Panel Canada (OPC) was honoured to put on two needs-based events for Canadian ocean people (diverse and interdisciplinary individuals, communities, and organizations). The first event aimed to engage ocean organizations and professionals across Canada on innovative approaches to pitching and funding projects. The second event aimed to support the well-being of individuals who work towards ocean-climate action, focusing on tangible ways to mitigate climate anxiety and grief.

Project Description

Ocean Panel Canada (OPC) was honoured to put on two needs-based events for Canadian ocean people. OPC aims to unite diverse and interdisciplinary individuals, communities, and organizations together over a shared love for the ocean. Our meetings connect and inform Canada’s “ocean people” to build relationships, share information, and encourage collaboration.

One of their objectives is to feature programs co-developed by members of our community that support community development, knowledge sharing, or action for the ocean. At their first meeting, their community requested a “Pitching & Funding” workshop and a “Wellbeing” workshop.

In November 2023 and February 2024, these needs-based workshops each hosted a diverse panel of speakers and a question period. The first event aimed to engage ocean organizations and professionals across Canada on innovative approaches to pitching and funding projects. The second event aimed to support the well-being of individuals who work towards ocean-climate action, focusing on tangible ways to mitigate climate anxiety and grief. Both events were successful and engaged ocean people at the individual and industry levels.

Thanks to the Ocean Actions Grant, these workshops were able to pay panellists for their time and help advance OPC’s visibility and presence online. This grant helped develop our logo drafts and secure a domain name.

What was your biggest challenge?

Our biggest challenge was enticing people to attend our workshops in an oversaturated market for online events. To navigate this, we employed targeted marketing strategies, leveraging our network and social media platforms to promote unique selling points of our workshops, such as expert panelists and interactive discussions. We also collaborated with relevant organizations to expand our reach and offered flexibility in scheduling to accommodate diverse time zones. By highlighting the value and relevance of our workshops, we successfully attracted participants and ensured meaningful engagement despite the competitive online landscape.

What was your most valuable takeaway?

My most valuable takeaway from this action project is the urgent need to prioritize and create spaces for addressing climate grief, which are often neglected compared to climate anxiety. Through our “Wellbeing” workshop, I realized the profound impact of providing support and resources for individuals grappling with climate-related emotions, such as grief and despair. This experience highlighted the importance of acknowledging and validating these feelings within the environmental movement. By offering tangible strategies for coping and fostering resilience, we can empower individuals to navigate their emotions constructively and continue their advocacy efforts effectively. Moving forward, I am committed to advocating for more inclusive and empathetic approaches that recognize the emotional toll of climate change and prioritize the well-being of those affected by it.

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