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Project Details

Project dates
01/07/2023  – 01/01/2025
Ottawa, ON, Canada

Richard Cheng

Project Lead

The project is the creation of commercials and 60s-documentaries of environmental organizations to increase their impact and reach. The idea is that there are plenty of people trying to do the right thing, but no one really knows about them.

Project Description

This project aims to put a spotlight on the various “green” organizations that are doing environmentally friendly work to increase their impact and visibility. I aim to network the various organizations to increase efficiency and grow the Eco community.

The project aims to increase the public’s awareness and knowledge of the organizations working on Ocean Health and Ocean Literacy by increasing their impact via social media. Well executed media in the form that can reach the most people will instill a positive connotation to climate change; as opposed to the current bleak outlook. Making sustainability and green actions fun, hopeful and cool. The more someone may know about these organizations the more it may impact their daily lives.

This project has been created in commemoration of the lives of all the victims of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302, including two Ocean Bridge ambassadors, Danielle Moore and Micah Messent. We aspire to carry on their legacy and commitment to making the world a better place by creating long-lasting impacts with a firm commitment to driving positive change for the environment and our ocean. We will never forget the light that Danielle and Micah brought to the world and will continue to keep them in our hearts. To learn more about these two amazing people, please visit: Honouring Danielle and Micah  – Ocean Wise. This work is partially funded by the Commemoration Fund for Victims of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 Tragedy.

What was your biggest challenge?

Finding the time and energy to pursue your work.
For me, I have responsibilities, obligations, work and all the sorts of things life throws at you, just like you.
It can be overwhelming, but think in a larger magnitude, a larger scope, with more time. If we’re thinking about sustainability for the world, your goals have to be sustainable to yourself. Think of when during this year can I actively set time to do the work you need to. So long as you slowly process and continue to work on the project in your mind, you’ll eventually succeed.
As this work is something you’ve chosen to do. A personal promise.

What was your most valuable takeaway?

You are not alone.
The work and topics may overwhelm you, but the hope and knowledge that there is a community of people just like you trying to combat climate change keeps you going. There is support out there, your life can be whatever you wish; so long as you keep trying to walk towards the goals you have set. Actively pursuing a passion, doesn’t have to be your day job, but it can be your purpose 🙂


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