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Project Details

Salt Spring Island, Capital, BC, Canada

Alyssa Mossman

Project Lead

Clare Price


Ecological restoration of sites on Salt Spring Island with the Water Preservation Society, as well as capacity building and assistance with consolidated web presence for the organization.

Project Description

This project focuses on combatting plastics and pollution and other factors that affect waterways and ecosystems in real time. It brings together a group of young people to engage in acts of resilience and community-building to address the negative impacts on the waterways.



This project has been created in commemoration of the lives of all the victims of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302, including two Ocean Bridge ambassadors, Danielle Moore and Micah Messent. We aspire to carry on their legacy and commitment to making the world a better place by creating long-lasting impacts with a firm commitment to driving positive change for the environment and our ocean. We will never forget the light that Danielle and Micah brought to the world and will continue to keep them in our hearts. To learn more about these two amazing people, please visit: Honouring Danielle and Micah – Ocean Wise. This work is partially funded by the Commemoration Fund for Victims of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 Tragedy.

What was your biggest challenge?

Logistical planning challenges came up – we had to figure out how to be flexible with our budget and timeline within funding parameters, while still having the intended impact on participants and the environment.

What was your most valuable takeaway?

That we can leverage our power as youth to build up existing initiatives and bolster great work already being done who need some extra hands.

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