Conversation about Careers in Conservation
Project Details
Project dates

Project Lead
This project was a webinar in collaboration with Peel Region Youth Alliance and Canadians Parks Collective for Innovations and Leadership. The webinar was catered to speaking about conservation careers, targeted to high school-aged youth.
Project Description
1st half of webinar: I introduced Ocean Wise and its objectives as well as my own graduate research on MPAs;
2nd half: Don Carruthers Den Hoed from CPCIL presented on his previous work with Parks Canada in conservation education, accessibility in parks, etc.
The goal of this webinar was to target high school students in the Peel region (Ontario) and increase awareness of the career/volunteer opportunities, including Ocean Wise and the youth hiring made available through CPCIL
What was your biggest challenge?
Engagement through a virtual setting was challenge as I wanted a bigger turnout, but I navigated this by promoting the event.
What was your most valuable takeaway?
Conservation mindset can come from anyone, regardless of age – keep perspective open