Building Banks
Project Details
Project dates
Project Lead
A living shoreline created to reduce and resist the impacts of coastal erosion. This project also serves to help bring attention to alternatives to hard armoring vulnerable coastlines.
Project Description
Marram grass and other PEI native shoreline plants including bayberry and rose are to be planted on the beach and along the top of the beach. Rope fences are to be installed along the two beach access points to keep people from trampling the plants. Informational signage about living shorelines and coastal erosion are to be installed at each access point to educate the public on the importance of living shorelines and why care should be taken to avoid causing damage to shoreline vegetation.
What was your biggest challenge?
Starting this project was the hardest part. There is so much involved with doing coastal shoreline work and it can be very difficult to pinpoint where to start. There are many people that need to be contacted/informed and many measurements to be taken. Creating a solid plan and finding out where to begin felt like the hardest hurdle.
What was your most valuable takeaway?
You can’t be afraid to go after what you need. It can be very intimidating to initiate conversations and ask for things, whether those things are information, assistance or something else. You may not always receive the help or the answer you need but there is no chance of getting the outcome you want if you never ask in the first place.