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Project Details

Project dates
01/02/2024  – 04/03/2024
Labrador, Canada

Misty Dyson

Project Lead

A Beading workshop held during the Ocean Bridge Urban Learning Journey.

Project Description

The intent is to create an ocean creature that could be a conversation starter for the ocean bridge program participants.

This project had 20 participants and staff sit together and learn Inuit bead working. Learning the art and the effort that goes into such beautiful pieces.

This got like-minded youth together to connect through art and conservation!

What was your biggest challenge?

My biggest challenge was that I was unable to do the project I originally hoped to. I navigated this by having my coach recommend to do a beading workshop as my project, where I could also talk about the project I would have liked to do and what I plan to do in the future.

What was your most valuable takeaway?

The most valuable take away from my action project is that there are so many interesting youth doing very interesting projects. It opened my eyes to everything I could be doing.

This project allowed me to improve on my leadership skills as I was the one teaching/leading the workshop. I was able to develop knowledge surrounding different ocean areas and initiatives that I was unfamiliar with before by speaking with other participants!

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