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Families, Individuals and Community Groups

You can make a difference

Participate with us

Ocean Wise Shoreline Cleanups provide North Americans the opportunity to take action in their community, wherever water meets land.

Join or Lead a Cleanup

Shoreline Cleanups are a great way to get outside with your friends and family while making a difference in your community. The satisfaction you'll feel when you've joined a cleanup is hard to describe. You'll need to try it to find out!

View the 2023 Dirty Dozen

Each year, citizen science data collected by the Ocean Wise Shoreline Cleanup reveal the “Dirty Dozen,” a list of the most-found litter across Canada.

View our Impact Reports

At the end of each year, we compile the litter data we've collected into an Impact Report, which can be accessed here.

Explore our data

Every Ocean Wise Shoreline Cleanup participant is a citizen scientist. While our volunteers are out collecting litter, they also collect indispensable data, which we compile in our national litter database and share it locally and internationally.

Join the mailing list

Subscribe to our newsletter to receive emails about events, news about ocean successes and issues, and opportunities to support us.

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