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Clare Price


Ocean Wise Ambassador – 2022 Ocean Bridge Cohort

A bit about me:

I grew up in the very flat, very landlocked Midwest United States. As a dual citizen I jumped at the chance to move to Vancouver, and have loved being so close to the ocean while I get my degree in Environment and Sustainability with a minor in Environmental Science from UBC. I am a huge nerd for pacific salmon, and have a mega soft spot for the vaquita porpoise. I love scuba diving, reading, anything crafty, taking photos, and cooking!

What gets me out of bed in morning?

I really love the routine of making my morning coffee! My ideal morning routine involves a dock of some kind, my book, and a cup of coffee 🙂

A fun fact about me:

There are two sets of twins in my family! I have a twin brother, and my older brother and sister are twins as well.

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