Shoreline Cleanup of the Chase and Nanaimo River

Project Details
My project was a cleanup of the Chase and Nanaimo river shorelines. We spent two hours collecting trash and had awesome discussions surrounding waterway pollution and its impact on ocean health.
Project Description
The goal of my project is to clean a portion of the Nanaimo river’s shoreline in an effort to reduce pollution from entering the river way, and eventually the ocean. The objectives of this shore-line clean up are to (1) reduce waste entering waterways, and (2) bring people together to discuss the impact of ocean pollution, and their role in contributing to the solution of waste reduction. The plan is to have a two hour cleaning session to start, and finish with some food and soft-drinks around a campfire to then unpack the events of the cleaning, and to have a more intimate discussion with everyone about the significance of this effort and more. The timeline will go as follows: Nov 5th 2021, go to the Nanaimo river to scout out an area in need of cleaning/rehabilitation. Nov 5th-19th 2021 plan logistics of clean-up ei. how many people are coming, if there will be prizes most rubbish collected, the exact date and time of shoreline clean. Dec 1-10 2021, finish project report and send in receipts/any equipment purchased.
What was your biggest challenge?
My biggest challenge was dealing with the unpredictability of weather and having to reschedule the event due to flooding. Outdoor events certainly make it difficult to plan sometimes!
What was your most valuable takeaway?
There is an absurd amount of garbage in my local waterways and it is important that every individual plays their part in keeping these areas clean. I really appreciated having people from my community that I know care about these places come and help me make a difference.