Project Watershed

Project Details
Project Watershed works within the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island, BC and focuses on restoration, research, and education/outreach on coastal, nearshore, and marine ecosystems.
Placement Details
Project Watershed is located in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island, BC and focuses on restoration, research, and education and outreach on coastal, nearshore, and marine ecosystems. Their mission is “to promote community stewardship of Comox Valley Watersheds through education, information and action”. They currently have four active projects: 1) Kus-kus-sum 2) Coastal Restoration 3) Forage Fish 4) Stream Restoration. You can read more about those individual projects here: Our Projects – Project Watershed
Placement Category: Ecological Restoration; Field Research and Monitoring
Placement Season: Summer, Fall
Placement Type: Urban, Field
2021 Participant Highlights
Participant Tiara Jacobson
Tiara’s focus within Project Watershed involved engaging with a network of citizen scientists who are actively monitoring the local beaches for forage fish. These citizen scientists were specifically monitoring for eggs, adults and juveniles of Pacific Sand Lance and Surf Smelt. This project aims to map forage fish habitat and abundance, as the species have remained relatively unstudied in the area.