Low Waste Niagara Shopping

Project Details
Low Waste Niagara is hoping to provide the community with a shopping guide on local stores that support bulk and sustainable goods. My goal is that this resource will reduce plastic and pollution in the local waterways.
Project Description
Low Waste Niagara has engaged the community both online and in person via their Instagram account, website, and by going to the stores in person. I’ve created some posts on how to reduce plastic and why this benefits ocean health. Furthermore, I tried to create a community that shops local, reduces single use items and therefore decreases the amount of waste going to landfills and our waterways.
What was your biggest challenge?
Overcoming the tech issues and electronic world of social media.
What was your most valuable takeaway?
How needed these things are in the Niagara region. It is becoming slowly more popular but the community in general does not view their waterways very highly, but it is needed to have a switch in mindset for this. Creating this just really enforced how much education is needed.