Let's talk Butts

Project Details
Project dates

Project Lead


During the project, we hosted clean ups, collected empty cans, painted them, distributed them around the neighbourhood and collected the butts for recycling. Not only did we reduce cigarette butts litter in the community and reduce toxin and microplastics going in the environment, we also educated community members on the impact of cigarette butt litter.
Project Description
During the project, we hosted clean ups, collected empty cans, painted them, distributed them around the neighbourhood and collected the butts for recycling. Not only did we reduce cigarette butts litter in the community and reduce toxin and microplastics going in the environment, we also educated community members on the impact of cigarette butt litter. Furthermore, we created a Butt can guide in both English and in French. Finally, the painting events are great for mental health of the volunteers. The Let’s Talk Butts campaign has now reached 6 different countries and hundreds of volunteers.
What was your biggest challenge?
A major challenge that I faced was being adaptive to the different COVID restrictions. While trying to address this challenge, I learned ways to rapidly respond to moving events from in-person to online and how to engage with the community virtually.
What was your most valuable takeaway?
Through my experience with Ocean Bridge, I learned to collaborate with youths from coast to coast to ensure that the Let’s Talk Butts campaign is accessible and inclusive in both official languages. I learned that there is a very robust community of youths across the country doing amazing work for ocean conservation and I will for sure be keeping them in my network moving forward. I also liked the different soft skills (e.g. budgeting, applying to grants, outreach, volunteer management) that I developed during the past 11 months which will help to contribute greatly to my professional development.