Frieda Saves the Ocean

Project Details
Project dates

Project Lead

Frieda Saves the Ocean is a children's book about plastic pollution in the ocean.
Project Description
“Frieda Saves the Ocean” is aimed to educate children about plastic pollution in the ocean and cleaning up the shoreline. The fictional picture book is about a young girl who goes to the beach and is frustrated by all the garbage laying around in the sand where she is trying to play. She is approached by a friendly sea turtle who teaches her about the issues of plastic pollution and its effects on the sea creatures. The young girl, Frieda, is inspired to pick up garbage on the beach and encourages everyone around her to do the same.
In September 2022, the book was launched at the Ottawa Forest & Nature School and the Mcnabb Community Center.
The book is available as a physical, digital, and audiobook. The digital and audiobook are available online. Physical copies of the book will be available to borrow at the Vaughan Public Libraries in the coming months.
What was your biggest challenge?
Our biggest challenge was getting all the logistics of the book in order in the time constraints of the program. We are very grateful for the staff at Ocean Bridge who supported us through the process.
What was your most valuable takeaway?
The most valuable takeaway from this project was seeing our vision come to life and how much the children enjoyed the story. It was inspiring to see how interested the children were in plastic pollution at the book launch. Doing this project was a huge learning curve for the both of us as we both have never written or marketed a book before but we are so happy with the final product.