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In 2022, the Ocean Wise Sightings Network launched the Whale Blitz, an annual series of land based whale watching events located along the southern coast of British Columbia. Whale Blitz watches are held in mid-July in celebration of World Orca Day and the anniversary of northern resident killer whale A73 ‘Springer’ being returned to her pod after rescue and rehabilitation (July 14th, 2002).

Each event aims to provide coastal community members and visitors with an opportunity to participate in citizen science, gain species ID skills, and learn about whale conservation. Cetacean sightings recorded during these watches are reported in real time through the Ocean Wise WhaleReport app, thus alerting professional mariners to the presence of whales to help prevent ship strikes and disturbance.

The 2024 Whale Blitz consisted of 12 educational, whale watch events from July 13th to 17th. These watches took place in locations throughout the Gulf Islands, in the Pacific Rim on Vancouver Island, and in Vancouver, including our first ever virtual Whale Blitz event hosted throughout Howe Sound. In total, these events engaged 674 people. Whale species spotted during the Whale Blitz events included one sighting of humpback whales and two sightings of killer whales. Sightings reported to the Ocean Wise Sightings Network over the entire five-day period included humpback whales, killer whales, harbour porpoises, grey whales, and Pacific white-sided dolphins.

Read the full Whale Blitz 2024 report here.

Real-time sightings made during the Whale Blitz are also sent in the form of alerts to the WhaleReport Alert System (WRAS). This tool privately informs authorized shipmasters and pilots aboard large commercial vessels (ferries, freighters, tugs, cruise ships) of cetacean occurrence in their vicinity. This awareness better enables vessels to undertake adaptive mitigation measures, such as slowing down or altering course in the presence of cetaceans, to
reduce the risk of collision and disturbance. Sightings reported from the south coast of BC during the Whale Blitz generated a total of 138 alerts to professional mariners, ensuring the safety of whales nearby.

We loved connecting with people passionate about whales, the outdoors, and learning about land-based whale spotting. We can’t wait for next year! Sign up for the Ocean Wise newsletter to stay up to speed with events happening in your community.

Posted October 17, 2024 by Rosemary Newton

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