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The World Bank defines the ‘blue economy’ as “the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods and jobs, and ocean ecosystem health.”

Canada’s blue economy is an important part of regional economies and the broader national economy. Our ocean sectors have the potential to drive sustainable economic growth and support the creation of more jobs in coastal and Indigenous communities while advancing innovation.

The Government of Canada is developing a strategic framework to guide future actions and investments in Canada’s ocean economy. And here’s the exciting part: They are inviting all of us to help shape the strategy.

Canadians have until June 15 to share their views on discussion topics related to the strategy and shape its development.

All Canadians are connected to the ocean (whether you live in the Prairies or PEI). And all Canadians have a vested interest in determining how to sustainably grow our ocean sectors while keeping our oceans healthy.

To learn more and have your say, visit

Posted March 3, 2021 by Ocean Wise

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