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Sustainable Seafood: The Dish on Fish

Have you ever wondered how you can help the ocean? Well, a solution would be by adjusting what you eat! An average of three billion people across the globe rely on a form of seafood as their primary source of protein. Explore the challenges the Ocean faces due to fishing and chat about solutions with … Continued

Ocean Wise Virtual Whale Trail Program

Join Ocean Wise live from the beaches of Vancouver to learn about the West Coast ecosystem and what makes it so unique. In this interactive virtual program, students will learn about the Whale Trail and the many whales that can be found on it, watch footage taken from the field by Ocean Wise researchers, and … Continued

Exploring our Ocean virtual series

Our global ocean covers 70.8% percent of Earth’s surface. The vast amount of water contained within the ocean means it impacts weather, temperature, and the food supply of humans and other organisms. About half of the oxygen produced on Earth is by oceanic plankton. Despite this importance, 80 percent of the ocean has not been mapped and … Continued

Sea Savvy Session: Exploring the Emerald Sea

Plunge into the emerald waters and discover the vibrant and diverse creatures that thrive among the kelp! Is there more to this seemingly slimy seaweed than you might think? Beyond being a superfood and a renewable resource, kelp also plays a crucial role in fighting climate change. Join an Ocean Wise expert for an exciting … Continued

Sea Savvy: Myths and Mysteries of the Ocean

Only 5% of the ocean has been uncovered by scientists, that means there is so much more to explore and understand! Join Ocean Wise, as we travel back in time to learn about ancient Ocean myths and discuss some of its incredible mysteries. Uncover truths, hear stories and explore ways Ocean enthusiasts are working hard … Continued

Mobile Education Team at PNE

The Ocean Wise Mobile Education team will be at the PNE showcasing marine artifacts and talking to the public about ocean conservation, the marine world, and ways to protect the ocean! Come and say hi! August 31 5:30pm – 7:30 pm No registration needed, included in the price of PNE admission.

Mobile Educators at BC Ferries

The Ocean Wise Mobile Education team will be at Horseshoe Bay, BC Ferries Terminal showcasing marine artifacts and talking to the public about ocean conservation, the marine world, and ways to protect the ocean! Come and say hi! August 29 1pm – 5pm No registration needed!

Ocean Wise Education at Richmond Garlic Festival

The Ocean Wise Mobile Education team will be at the Richmond Garlic Festival, showcasing marine artifacts and talking to the public about ocean conservation, the marine world, and ways to protect the ocean! Come and say hi! August 17 No registration needed

Ocean Wise at Richmond Maritime Festival

The Ocean Wise Mobile Education team will be at the 21st Annual Richmond Maritime Festival, showcasing marine artifacts and talking to the public about ocean conservation, the marine world, and ways to protect the ocean! Come and say hi! August 24 – 25 11am – 6pm No registration needed!

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