Published Year: 2023
The WhaleReport Alert System: Mitigating threats to whales with citizen science
Seas the DNA? Limited detection of cetaceans by low-volume environmental DNA transect surveys
Microcosm study of the effects of polyester microfibers on the indigenous marine amphipod (Cyphocaris challengeri) in the Strait of Georgia (BC, Canada)
Sediment Spatial Distribution and Quality Assessment of Metals in Chinook Salmon and Resident Killer Whale Marine Habitat in British Columbia, Canada
At-risk resident killer whale (Orcinus orca) populations of the northeastern Pacifc, Canada, and their main prey, Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), are exposed to a variety of contaminants including chemical elements from both natural and anthropogenic sources, which may be constraining their recovery.
Monitoring Biodiversity Returns of Kelp Restoration Using Environmental DNA (E-DNA). Report of Phase 1
Kelp restoration is a major pillar of Ocean Wise’s Seaforestation Initiative. Ocean Wise and Canadian Kelp Resources (CKR), and Rendezvous Dive Adventures worked together to establish a kelp restoration demonstration site in Rainy Bay, Barkley Sound. Specifically, CKR produced and out-planted green gravel for three species of kelp in Rainy Bay, during the latter half of 2021. Study species include: giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera), bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) and sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima). The success of this experiment will be assessed during 2022 and 2023 with a focus on understand the biodiversity benefits of kelp restoration. We used eDNA in a pilot for this purpose in Barkley Sound, Vancouver Island, Canada. We assess here the effectiveness and efficiency of this method, in comparison with diving transects to identify species composition.