March Social Media Round-Up

March wrapped up another successful year for Ocean Bridge and closed off the famous Ocean Wise Seafood Festival. We had a lot of wins to celebrate below!
See some of the highlights!

Ocean Wise Youth Celebrated Ocean Bridge Ambassador, Rachel Lewis! Rachel started her work for the Atlantic Ocean Bridge cohort with one goal in mind: tackling the issue of ocean pollution. Since then, Rachel has organized and participated in several community and shoreline clean-ups, collaborated with the Nashwaak Watershed Association for her service project idea coming this summer, and she also organized a virtual screening event for a documentary that sheds light on Clean Harbours Initiative and their journey in cleaning up Newfoundland’s harbours.
Rachel was recently accepted into the Ocean Wise Innovator Lab program along with her younger sister, Naomi. Together, they are working on an innovative idea that tackles the problem of ocean plastics. Way to go, Rachel!

March 21st was the International Day of Forests, and @OceanWise shared some details on the special forests our team is working on: Kelp Forests!
Kelp forests help counter the effects of global warming because they grow 30x faster than trees and absorb and store CO2! For more information on the work we are doing with seaforestation to grow and cultivate these ecosystems, click here!

For World Water Day, @OceanWiseSeafood highlighted this year’s theme of groundwater. Groundwater may be out of sight, but it is a precious resource. It feeds springs, rivers, lakes and wetlands, and seeps into the ocean. It is critically important for healthy ecosystems and makes up about 30% of our world’s freshwater. In Canada, approximately 9 million people rely on groundwater for domestic use!
Like the ocean, we must protect and explore groundwater, balancing the needs of people and the planet.

Our Shoreline Cleanup Twitter page, @cleanshorelines, celebrated our fantastic volunteers at Girl Guides of Canada! Girl Guides are always one of the first to volunteer to keep our ocean and shorelines clean, from attending cleanup events, to even hosting their own.
#GirlGuides are true shoreline heroes!
Follow our accounts to stay updated on what’s happening at Ocean Wise!
Posted April 11, 2022 by Ocean Wise