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Kaitlyn Harris

I'm currently living in a small town near Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, traditional and unceded territory of the Mi'kmaq People. I grew up not far from here, in a small fishing village further down along the South Shore (Clyde River, Nova Scotia).

Ocean Wise Staff

A bit about me:

I’m a firm believer that communities are stronger and more resilient when young people are involved and taking on meaningful roles, which is why I’m so excited to be a part of the Ocean Bridge Team and to do my part to mobilize and empower youth-led action. I have a background in Geography and Marine Management and am particularly interested in exploring the interface between education, management, and community. I’m fired-up by the shared sense of responsibility we all have for caring for this Earth and I’m excited to learn from all of us who are part of the Ocean Bridge community and beyond. Aside from my love for the ocean, I’m also interested in homesteading, trail running, mountain biking and rock climbing!

What get’s me out of bed in morning?

My pup who is usually keen to get outside for a run-around, the crowing of my (very noisy) chickens and, of course, coffee!

A fun fact about me:

My favourite way to explore is from the seat of my bicycle. My goal is to cross all the major mountain ranges by the power of my pedals. Up next: Himalayas.

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