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Jacqueline Thompson

Regina, Saskatchewan, Treaty 4 Territory

Ocean Wise Staff Ocean Bridge Cohort

I am a Nakota Cree from “Ceĝa Kin” and “Ochapowace” First Nations.  I am from “North Central” Regina Saskatchewan, Treaty Four. nitasinīwëw-nēhiyaw ohci, “Ceĝa Kin” mīna “Ochapowace” askîhkâna. kīwētin-tāwāyihk oskana kā-asastēki nēwo-tipahamātowin ohci niya. For the past 15 years I have worked to bridge Indigenous ways of knowing with western education, learning as I serve. The passion to serve my Nation’s youth was instilled from my childhood on the pow wow trail and growing up in North Central. Having received valuable support and guidance from Indigenous Educators, Linguists, Knowledge Keepers, Coaches and Volunteer Role Models, I strive to share knowledge and serve our youth community. The communities and youth I have served include: Anishinaabe, Nehiyaw, Nakota, Dakota, Lakota, Metis, Inuit, Dene, Mi’kmaq, Kwakiutl, Rama and Chorotega.

Fun fact about me: I am born on my mother’s birthday, and my brother is born on my parents 1st year wedding anniversary.

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