Whales (including dolphins and porpoises) play a vital role in maintaining a healthy and resilient ocean but are vulnerable to human impacts. Our vision is safer, more plentiful waters for whales.
Sentinelles de la mer
The recovery of at-risk whale populations requires solutions to minimize the anthropogenic impacts that impede their ability to communicate, navigate, forage, and reproduce. Commercial fishing, coastal development, and shipping form the basis of many global economies; thus, cessation of these activities is not a feasible solution. Instead, adaptive management, based on the best available knowledge, enables industry and governments to effectively mitigate their impacts on whales and enact measures to protect populations and their habitats.
La mégafaune comme les baleines semble si forte et résiliente, mais la vérité est qu'elle est vulnérable aux impacts humains. Les gens peuvent contribuer à créer des eaux plus calmes qui améliorent les capacités d'écholocation en signalant les observations au réseau Ocean Wise Sightings Network via l'application WhaleReport.
Jessica Scott
Ocean Wise