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Program Components

Curious about what to expect?

This part-time program takes place on evenings and weekends, requiring a 25-35 hour time commitment. Scroll to learn more about the key components of the Mountains to Ocean program!

Online Orientation

In advance of the Learning Journeys, youth will gather online to learn about program objectives, meet other participants and staff, and learn the fundamentals of ocean conservation.

Project Development

Youth will participate in an at home or in school project that involves looking at how their everyday choices can impact our environment. These will be delivered in their communities within 2 weeks after the third Learning Journey.

Coaching Call

Youth will have support from staff during a 1:1 coaching call to ensure the successful delivery of their project development in their personal life, school, or community.

Showcase Social

Youth from all three cohorts who have completed their projects will be invited to the Ocean Wise office to network and share their experience in the Mountains to Ocean program.

Ready to dive in?

We are currently taking applications for our 3-week program cohorts, starting in November 2024!

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